Best in Show

Fishing Village

There were a lot of really good pictures taken by the students at the DLWS workshop in Traverse City Michigan. When I was watching the participant slide show I saw several strong pictures that I figured must be contenders for the top photograph. Instead, it caught me by surprise, that it was mine!

I posted this image earlier, before I knew that it was chosen. I have reworked it a bit. Adding some things that Moose Peterson showed us, I added some contrast to the buildings, lightened them, and added a gradient to the sky to bring out some more color.

I am planning to get this printed. Still trying to decide on a print to frame, or stand out.

The Barns


We have shot a couple of barns in the last couple of days. I am starting to blur the shoots together. At two shoots a day, one in the morning, and one in the evening, it is hard to keep everything straight. We got to two places this morning even. Both had old buildings in them. The first is really a school.

The shot above was pretty typical of what most people got. I got another one, actually before that one where someone drive a car up and shone their head lights on the barn.


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I missed the boat

Not literly. I don’t really have any boats around here that I could miss. What I did miss was getting in on the DLWS trip to Kauai. I am bummed. I thought about it way too much. I just kept thinking about cost, and when I finally got the nerve to pull the trigger, it is full. Bummer. I am on a waiting list. Who wants to cross fingers with me?

I am not sure what other trip I could do this year. NC is full, and Maine is after when¬†my¬†NWA voucher expires. That leaves Michigan for this year,¬†that I could theoreticly drive to. Not my first pick for locations. I am sure that it would be great, but it doesn’t seem as exotic at Hawaii. Hmmmm…