I have been going on photo walks for some time now from work. I am starting to tire of the places that I can get to within a short walk from work. One of the places that I frequent though, is Mears Park.
This is one place that is great to come to in the Spring/Early Summer. This park attracts lots of people from the surrounding office buildings and people from the near by condos walking their dogs. There is a little fake creek running down the middle, and all around this creek and the outside are flower gardens.
These gardens are kept in beautiful condition by a crew of volunteers. A person or group of people are assigned to each flower bed section. I was talking to one woman there recently that said there was a waiting list. How about that. A waiting list of people wanting to work for free.
So this tends to be a spot that I can come to several times a week even, and just walk around, and take some pictures. It’s amazing how comeing back just a day or two later and I will see new flowers that strike me that didn’t the day before.
So, if you live or work in St.Paul, I would suggest you stop by some day that you look outside and wish you were anywhere but inside. It will just take a few minutes.