The Past
This site at one time was running off my own server. I had built the box, and was running a linux distro called Gentoo, with an Apache server with php sending out the pages. I even had a mail server locally in my basement. Well, after one to many power failures reset the box, and one too many lock ups with my Comcast modem, and one too many times of having the mail server down, I switched to a hosted site.
The Present
Right now, I am with 1 and 1. I also switched over to using WordPress for the blog. WordPress has turned out to be great. I love that it is open source, and highly configurable. You can create your own themes and use plugins from a large repository.
I have all my sites running here now:
- (this blog)
- Annie and (family photo’s)
- Christopher Ward Photography (wedding and portrait site)
The Theme
This template is built with validated CSS and XHTML. I now call this theme CwwGlossyBlue. It started out as GlossyBLue, by N.Design Studio.  The icons used here are from their Web 2 Mini pack that came with the theme. I have now modified this theme quite a bit. The first change was to modify the header to provide the rotating image, and move the buttons to the right. Then I made the content area wider to accomodate medium pictures from flickr, and code samples. The biggest change was probably the modification to get 2.7 WordPress support. I swapped in much of the template php code from the default plugin, and modified the CSS in order to get threaded comments in posts, and add comments to pages. Little CSS tweaks here and there have been made as seemed appropriate.
The Plugins
I have incorporated several plugins to get this site up and going:
- Akismet – catch the comment spam
- WP-CodeBox – syntax highlighting of code examples
- Drain Hole – a download management application
- Word Press Stats – keeps track of visitors and displays graphs
- Organize Series – Collects related posts together into a series
- bgStretcher2 Javascript code for portfolio (not WP plugin)
The Future
I will continue to post about photography, and computers. I am looking at continuing the series on Into to Java, and I am looking at how to move from Gallery to  Zenphoto, and creating a plugin to integrate it to WordPress.
See you around.
Christopher Ward