Joe McNally has finished his book “The Hot Shoe Diaries, Big Light From Small Flashes.” He has quite a post up about it. It is supposed to be out March 16. I just pre ordered it on Amazon. There is a PDF here with exerpts from the book. This is classic Joe, just like The Moment it Clicks. As with that book it looks like he has short little descriptions/stories about the shot. This one looks like he might get into more detail about how he set up the lights.
I also just pre ordered “Within The Frame” on Amazon. This book is by David duChemin. I am looking forward to this one. I would love to read more in a book format about his thoughts on vision and photography.
Get this, no sooner do I decide to pre order the books, he runs a contest to give one away. What cha gona do? Well, maybe I will win and can read one with each eye.