This blury noisy photo courtesy of my iPhone is from the Sheraton Bloomington, where last night the David Ziser show came to town. I took it while pouting that I didn’t win any of the over $5000 in prizes given away. It was quite a night. David had from 6-10 to cram in all the information he wanted to, but I think it was closer to 10:30 before we left, and he had to skip or gloss over a good chunk of material. He had a ton of information to give us.
Luckily he had a script, and it was all in a booklet that he handed out. Sort of like a powerpoint outline with advertisements. There will be time to review this later. Not only that, but there is a DVD that came with the program that has this talk and some other tutorials on it. I will have to take a look at that later and let you know exactly what was on that DVD.
I guess I must be a bit of a fan boy, as I picked up some of his other training DVD’s too. (I am a sucker for a sale price) Again, I will blog later about what I thought of them, and if they seemed worth it.
It was a good show. Definitely worth the $59 dollars to get in. He is all about the light, and how to get it quick and easily. As David mentions, there is no time to set up and move around softboxes at a wedding. His tips on how and when to use on and off camera flash seemed useful, and it will be interesting to give them a try.
The software tools part would have been pretty ho hum for me, except that he demoed a software package to layout books, prints, and collages that is simply amazing. It is called FotoFusion by LumaPix. It looks to be quite the time saver. Easier than Apertures layout editor that I have been using.
The marketing part of the evening was some of what I was most interested in, but we were quite behind at that point, and David had to turn into an auctioneer.¬† As well, I was starting to tune out. I was getting tired. We still have the printed materials, and the DVD’s, so I will have to check those out and see what he has there.
Anyway, glad I attended. If you get a chance to catch him in another city, I would recommend it.
Hey Chris,
Hop over here ( I (and others) would love to hear how it went in more detail.