Back from Fargo with a bunch of pictures of the kids in the pool. We met some of the family from Winnipeg in the middle. Each of us had to drive about 4 hours. The Holiday Inn in Fargo has a water slide park called Ship Wreck Bay. I am sure I got some pretty good pictures of the kids having fun. The best ones are probably on the Stylus 790, a waterproof camera. I was great. We were in and out of the water all weekend, and it just lived in my pocket. I could pull it out whenever, and never needed to worry about it getting wrecked. It is a great camera to have to just take snaps of the kids.
Kate likes it too. I can give it to her, and she can wander around taking pictures without us worrying about her dropping it. Waterproof, shockproof. Awsome.
Anyway, hope to have some pictures later.